Winston Marketing Winston Marketing

Feminine leadership: the women who inspire Winston

There's no shortage of "boss ladies" in Quebec, and if we had our way, this article could run for 12 pages. Among the exceptional women we've had the pleasure of discovering, some stand out from the crowd. So here are the top 4 (5) women we find brilliant, resilient and downright inspiring.

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Winston Marketing Winston Marketing

Women still considered a visible minority, really? 

The workplace is not yet adapted to families, to work-life balance as many would like it to be. Women should not be victims of compromise, retaliation or judgment for their personal choices. In fact, no one should be.

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Winston Marketing Winston Marketing

Massimo Bottura: The Boldness of Breaking Traditions

Like many great creators, Massimo Bottura draws inspiration from realms beyond his own. Similar to Antoni Gaudí when designing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, he observes, seeks to understand, and captures the essence of the beauty around him to better communicate it in his own universe.

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Winston Marketing Winston Marketing

Book Club: Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Do you have the feeling that your memory is playing tricks on you? That you start a task without remembering why you're doing it? Are you able to concentrate for long periods of time?

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